The development and the future of Filling machine

With domestic people living standard has greatly improved, especially in people’s income doubled, to food requirements are also gradually more diverse and hierarchical structure, it is in order to development of food industry to provide formidable power. But the production of food completely dependent on packing machinery, food machinery and packaging machinery industry will provide many varieties, high quality products to meet the needs of the development of the food industry. China’s food and packaging machinery industry from scratch, from low to high end, from the unit to complete sets of equipment, that after the packing line in China has made remarkable achievements. China’s food and packing machinery with “reasonable price” international reputation market, “export” also becomes the multitudinous enterprise gain more living space a channel, become a lot of enterprise new profit growth point.

In recent years, Chinese food and packing machinery manufacturing by leaps and bounds, food packaging machinery industry through the introduction, digestion, absorption and independent innovation, has produced can replace the imported filling machine, wine filling machine, beverage filling machine, filling seals the tail machine, emulsifying machine, vacuum emulsifying machine, paint filling machine, water filling machine, filling capping machine, etc. Now China’s food packaging technology is becoming an interdisciplinary systems engineering, a batch of domestic brand of food packaging machines has reached or are trying to catch up with the advanced world level.

In the next few years, Chinese food and packing JiXieYe output are expected to increase exponentially. But the present China packaging machinery for the excessive dependence on foreign advanced technology, have seriously restricted the China packaging industry sustained, stable development. Face the future food packaging, the development trend of domestic enterprises should stick to the scientific view of development, innovation of information service mode, enhancing the extensive cooperation and exchange, we must strengthen the international inspection exchange and the cooperation, further expand the opening to the outside world, the introduction of foreign advanced technology and advanced management experience, and actively attract foreign investment, to implement the strategy of “going out”, improve the international competitiveness of enterprises.

From the data shows, packaging machinery definition, characteristics, industry classification and China packaging machine industry, the development of international and domestic food analyzed the present situation of packaging machinery industry, and then presents the beverage packaging machinery, dairy products packaging machinery, tea packing machinery, beer packaging machinery development. With domestic filling machinery enterprise of innovation and deepening reform, and the filling machinery technology is constantly improve themselves, become internationally competitive modern enterprise.

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