How to choose a filling machine

How to choose a filling machine is a problem which confuses a lot of users. The following with cooking oil filling machine as an example mainly introduce how to choice the the liquid filling machine. Liquid filling machine which is suitable for cooking oil filling must meet the following requirements.

Cooking oil filling machine precision is high, are within 0.2%. To have temperature compensation function, automatic compensation for oil temperature change filling error. To meet the two filling model can be used to rise or kg and volume filling, quality filling two patterns. The operation should is easy to follow and equipment to be reserved can extend a space, for later added other ancillary equipment. Must double speed filling (after first fast slow), to avoid too fast filling speed cooking oil spill to the outside of the. Must have the vacuum to suck function, prevent the residual oil filling mouth drop to barrel face, affect the product’s appearance. Conveyer belt speed can be adjusted and filling speed can be adjusted, to adapt to the different filling requirements.

Beverage filling machine cannot be used for filling cooking oil, because edible oil and drink in the physical and chemical indexes are very different, the two kinds of filling machine design concept is different. Piston filling machine for eliminated type, cooking oil filling machine should choose flowmeter type. In short, cooking oil filling machine choice professional was very strong.


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