New share of the sanitation program of the filling machine

Tap water at room temperature: in the high tank of the filling process fruity beverage production line into the water of 1000 kg at room temperature, and open the valve of the high tank of subretinal fluid, so that at room temperature tap water gravity into the liquid filling machine liquid storage tank, in the surfaceat the surface of the mirror, open the bottom valve of the filling machine . Water artesian after, the room temperature tap water to rinse the end of the process.

Hot water (90 ° C): purified drinking water, by heating temperature ≥ 90 ℃ pumped into the filling process fruity beverage production line in the high tank (pumped 1000 kg) to start the high tank mixingafter 5 minutes, open the high tank bottom valve, hot water gravity transported to the fruit filling machine tank bottom valve is closed, when the liquid in the liquid mirror high, start filling machine liquid storage tank mixers,host set in 5Hz, 24 filling heads for manual sliding drainage twice after re-open the filling machine liquid storage tank bottom valve and open the host set to 14Hz to high tank hot water discharged.

NaOH (purity ≥ 99%) cleaning solution: the purification of drinking water of normal temperature, the pump into the high tank filling process fruity beverage production line (the pump intake 500 kg), and then placed in 10 kg food grade of NaOH at the same timestart high tank mixers, NaOH solution was stirred for 10 minutes, open the high tank bottom valve NaOH solution gravity transported to a beverage filling machine tank bottom valve is closed when the liquid in the liquid mirror high, startthe filling machine agitator of the liquid storage tank, filling machine host open set 5Hz, 24 filling heads manual sliding drainage twice (the operator must take precautions against burns security measures), when the liquid level in thethe highest level mirror limit, turn off the tank mixing, at the same time Close the filling machine at the NaOH solution to soak the tank of the filling machine and pipeline after 6 hours, re-open the tank mixing and bottom valve of the filling machine andfilling machine to host open set is done in the 14Hz to high tank NaOH solution.


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