New purchase filling machine clean health program

Room temperature water flushing: in the filling process fruit drink production line of high tanks, in 1000 ㎏ room temperature water, and open the high pot put liquid valve, let room temperature water their into filling machine storage tank, liquid level higher than in the surface of the mirror, opening filling machine bottom valve. After the completion of their tap water, the room temperature water flushing process is over.

Hot water washing (90 ℃) : the purification of potable water, the heating temperature to 90 ℃ frequency, pump into the filling process fruit drink production line of high tanks (pump into the amount 1000 ㎏), start high mixing after 5 minutes, cans, open the high tank bottom valve, hot water their transported to the closed bottom valve fruit grain filling machine tank, when the liquid surface in a liquid surface mirror high levels, start filling machinery storage tank blender, and will host open buy is in 5 Hz, will head to 24 filling manual sliding drainage twice, any open filling machine storage tank bottom valve, and will host open buy is in hot water tank to 14 Hz high put out.

NaOH (purity frequency 99%) solution cleaning: the purification of the normal temperature of drinking water, pump into the filling process fruit drink production line of high tanks (pump into the amount 500 ㎏), and then put into 10 ㎏ NaOH food grade, and the launch of the high pot blender, when NaOH solution stirring after 10 minutes, open the high tank bottom valve, NaOH solution their transported to the closed bottom valve fruit grain filling machine tank, when the liquid surface in a liquid surface mirror high levels, start filling machine storage tank blender, and at the same time will be installed in such a filling host 5 Hz, will head to 24 filling manual sliding drainage after twice (operation personnel must be prepared to prevent burns security measures), when the liquid surface in a liquid level highest lens spacing, close mixing storage tank, and close irrigation installed host, let NaOH solution for filling machine storage tank and pipeline after 6 hours, followed by open filling machine tank mixing and bottom valve, and will be installed in such a filling host 14 Hz to high cans NaOH solution put out. Hot water (90 ℃) cleaning, methods are the same as above.

HNO3 (purity 65-68%) solution cleaning: the purification of the normal temperature of drinking water, pump into the filling process fruit drink production line of high tanks (pump into the amount 500 ㎏), and then put into 5000 ml analysis pure HNO3, according to NaOH (purity frequency 99%) solution of the cleaning method cleaning, then hot water (90 ℃) cleaning, methods are the same as above. When water is near emissions finished, with precision with determination test paper (5.5-9.0) test PH value of less than 6.0-6.5, followed the clean with hot water (method is, until the PH 6.0-6.5 in so far.


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